Industrial Visit Planner
Project information
- Category: Web developing
- Client: University
- Project date: Jun-2018 to Jun-2019
- Project URL : Industrial Visit Planner
Summary: Developed a content management system for the university to organize industrial visits for students.
Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MYSQL, PHP, XAMMP, Visual Studio, and Bootstrap.
Duties: It was a group project. Managed the designing of wireframes and implementing UI/UX design Including front-end design using HTML and CSS, also ensured responsiveness of website across different devices using Bootstrap. Additionally assisted other team members with the connectivity of the database with front-end functions.
Outcome: Conducted detailed research on existing trip planning software and how our project was unique from them. Successfully developed the prototype for the university and accompanied all the requirements of the university in the software. Got a grant from the government for the innovative start-up idea for this project and published a review paper for this project
Result: Obtained High Distinction for this project.